
We knew this day would come. They have found our fortress among the stars. The Covenant are on Reach. They will burn this planet, kill millions, and when Reach falls—and fall it will—there will be nothing left to stand between them…and Earth.”

—Catherine Halsey

The Battle of Reach started when Visigrad Relay went down. Noble Team, a team of Spartan 3’s, was sent to investigate. They discovered a handful of surviving marines, and an outpost overrun with Covenant soldiers. The Battle of Reach had begun.

Eventually, each member of Noble Team was killed in action, even though the UNSC Naval Special Weapons department declared them M.I.A. As these casualties would suggest, the humans were utterly destroyed. Some humans escaped, however, including those aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autu

mn, a ship that would play a vital role in the following months.

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